=== WP Live Chat Support ===
Contributors: WP-LiveChat
Donate link: http://www.wp-livechat.com
Tags: live chat, live support, chat plugin, live help, wordpress chat, customer support, chat, live chat plugin, live support plugin, live chat support plugin, chat plugin, support plugin, support, chat software, chat online, visitor chat, chat, free chat, free live chat, customer support, online support, live help, chat widget, customer help
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.0.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2

Fully functional Live Chat plugin. Chat with your visitors for free! No need for third party connections or monthly payments.

== Description ==

The most cost effective Live Chat plugin. Chat with your visitors for free! WP Live Chat Support is perfect for small businesses. No third party connections or subscriptions required. There's no need to pay for live chat monthly subscriptions in order to better understand your visitors. This is a fully functional live chat plugin. Increase your conversion rates by communicating directly with your visitors when they're ready to do so using WP Live Chat Support.

= Free Version Features =

* WP Live Chat Support is a fully functional live chat plugin
* Live chat directly with your visitors
* Easy to use interface for both the admin and the visitor
* Users can drag the live chat box around their page
* Change the colors of the live chat box
* No advertising or links
* No "Powered by" links on the live chat window
* No monthly live chat subscriptions needed
* Desktop Notifications when receiving new Live Chats

= Pro Version Features =

* Pay once and never again for WP Live Chat Support Pro
* Unlimited live chat agents
* Initiate live chats with online visitors
* Chat to more than one visitor at a time
* Quick Responses (insert a predefined response to your live chat box)
* Access historical live chat records
* Set up your user profile
* Add your company logo to the live chat window
* Add your photo to the live chat window
* Edit all text fields shown on the live chat box
* Include/exclude the live chat from appearing on certain pages
* World-class support
* Fully customizable live chat experience

Get the [WP Live Chat Support Pro Add-on](http://wp-livechat.com/purchase-pro/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=wordpress&utm_campaign=buy) for only $29.95 once off!

= Coming soon =
* (Nov 2014) (Free & Pro) Design update - New transitions (chat box slides up, fades, jumps, etc after x seconds)
* (Nov 2014) (Free & Pro) Improvements - Better link and image handling within the live chat text area
* (Nov 2014) (Pro) New feature - Triggers - Build custom live chat triggers. For example, if a user has been idle for more than 2 minutes, initiate a live chat and send a response.
* (Nov 2014) (Free & Pro) New feature - XMP notifications - Get notified about new live chats in Gtalk, ICQ, Yahoo! messenger, etc.
* (Jan 2015) (Pro+) New feature - Full XMP support (chat through Skype, Gtalk, ICQ, Yahoo! messenger, etc)

= 30 second live chat installation =

Our live chat plugin instantly gives you the ability to chat directly with potential clients and/or website visitors when they're ready to do so. Initiate a live chat with a certain visitor or wait for them to initiate a live chat with you. Increase your website conversion rates by providing real time live support.

= Quick Overview =

Once the live chat plugin is activated, click on "Live Chat" in the left menu navigation. As soon as a visitor lands on your website, their details will be displayed in the live chat control panel. A live chat box will be displayed on their screen. If they fill out their details and click "Start chat", a ringing sound will trigger in your live chat control panel. Once you accept the chat, you can communicate directly with your visitor.

= Using WP Live Chat Support effectively on your website =
One of the most important tasks of your website is to educate potential customers of your product and/or service. By having a live chat window on your website, this gives you the opportunity to do this.

* Live chat is convenient for customers
* Live chat builds trust with your potential customers
* Increase sales by using live chat
* Take advantage of a fully functional live chat plugin for free. Get Pro features for a once off fee
* Reduce costs by using live chat on your website with minimum staff
* Learn to understand the pain points of your customers

= Translations =
Get a free copy of the WP Live Chat Support Pro version in exchange for translating our plugin!

* English
* German (Dennis Klinger)
* Spanish (Sergio Castrillon)
* Russian (Igor Butsky)
* French (Marcello Cavallucci)
* Brazilian (Gustavo Silva)
* Hebrew (David Cohen)
* Slovakian (Dana Kadarova)
* Swedish (Tobias Sernhede - adser.se)
* Mongolian (Monica Batuskh)
* Romanian (Sergiu Balaes)
* Czech (Pavel Cvejn)
* Danish (Mikkel Jeppesen Juhl)
* Italian (Angelo Giammarresi)
* Dutch (Elsy Aelvoet)
* Chinese - Simplified^
* Chinese - Traditional^

^ Language file needs updating

== Installation ==

1. Once activated, click the "Live Chat" link under your settings tabs.
2. Edit the settings to your preference.
3. Test it out in a post or page.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I've installed the live chat plugin, now what? =
Once installed and activated, a link should appear in your left navigation panel within your WP-ADMIN section. Click on the "Live Chat" link and follow the on screen instructions.

= Where can I find documentation for WP Live Chat Support? =
Please review the live chat documentation on [our website](http://wp-livechat.com/documentation/).

= Does WP Live Chat Support connect to a third party server? =
No. WP Live Chat Support was developed to specifically create and manage live chats on your server. Installing this plugin will essentially turn your website into it's own live chat server. We have put every effort into making this process as smooth as possible while ensuring low resource usage on your host. We have incorporated long polling into the live chat functionality which ensures a quick chat response time between the admin and the user while maintaining a low resource footprint.

= What are desktop notifications? =
Desktop notifications are notifications that will appear on the bottom right of your screen when a new live chat is received. This feature is supported in all browsers except Internet Explorer.

= Troubleshooting =
If you're experiencing issues running WP Live Chat Support, please take note of the following:

- The live chat box will only show up on the front end if you are logged in to your wp-admin section.
- The default delay before the live chat box appears is 10 seconds. You can change this on the settings page.
- If you press the "X" within the live chat window on the front end, a cookie will be set that will stop the chat box from showing for another 24 hours.

If the live chat box still does not appear on your website, please go through the following steps:

- Please ensure your theme's footer.php file has the following line before the closing body tag: <?php wp_footer(); ?>
- Ensure that no other plugins are causing JavaScript errors on your website. This could interfere with the execution of our plugin's JavaScript.
- If you need more help, please use the [support forum](http://wp-livechat.com/forums/forum/support/) or contact us and we'll get to the bottom of the problem as soon as possible!

== Screenshots ==

1. Front-end of WP Live Chat Support
2. Back-end of WP Live Chat Support
3. Settings page of WP Live Chat Support
4. "Leave a message" functionality available in WP Live Chat Support Pro
5. Initiate a live chat with a visitor on your website (pro version)

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 4.1.4 =
It is highly recommended that you upgrade to WP Live Chat Support version 4.1.4

== Changelog ==

= 4.2.4 2014-12-17 - Low Priority = 
* New feature: The live chat window can be hidden when offline (Pro only)
* New feature: Desktop notifications added
* Bug fix: Email address gave false validation error when not it was required.
* Translations Added:
*  Dutch (Thank you Elsy Aelvoet)

= 4.2.3 2014-12-11 - Low Priority = 
* Updated Translations:
*  French (Thank you Marcello Cavallucci)
*  Italian (Thank You Angelo Giammarresi)

= 4.2.2 2014-12-10 - Low Priority =
* You can now toggle between displaying or hiding the users name in your Live Chat messages
* You can now choose to display the Live Chat window to all or only registered users
* A user image will now display in the Live Chat message
* jQuery UI CSS is loaded from a local source
* Bug Fix: Only Admin users can make users Live Chat agents
* Translations added:
*  Mongolian (Thank you Monica Batuskh)
*  Romanian (Thank you Sergiu Balaes)
*  Czech (Thank you Pavel Cvejn)
*  Danish (Thank you Mikkel Jeppesen Juhl)
* Updated Translations:
*  German (Thank you Dennis Klinger)

= 4.2.1 2014-11-24 - High priority =
* Bug Fix: PHP error on agent side in live chat window

= 4.2.0 2014-11-20 - Medium priority =
* Chat UI Improvements
* Small bug fixes

= 4.1.10 2014-10-29 - Low priority =
* Code Improvements: (Checks for DONOTCACHE)
* New Pro Feature: You can now include or exclude the live chat window on certain pages

= 4.1.9 2014-10-10 - Low priority =
* Bug fix: Mobile Detect class caused an error if it existed in another plugin or theme. A check has been put in place. 

= 4.1.8 2014-10-08 - Low priority =
* New feature: There is now an option if you do not require the user to input their name and email address before sending a chat request
* New feature: Logged in users do not have to enter their details prior to sending the chat request.
* New feature: Turn the chat on/off on a mobile device (smart phone and tablets)

= 4.1.7 2014-10-06 - Low priority =
* Bug fix: sound was not played when user received a live chat message from the admin
* Internationalization update
* New WP Live Chat Support Translation added: Swedish (Thank You Tobias Sernhede)

= 4.1.6 2014-09-25 - Low priority =
* Live chat translations added: Hebrew, German, Slovakian

= 4.1.5 2014-08-22 - Low priority =
* Code improvements (PHP warnings - set_time_limit caused warnings on some hosts)

= 4.1.4 2014-07-31 =
* Significant performance improvements
* Brazilian translation added - thank you Gustavo Silva

= 4.1.3 2014-07-30 =
* Code improvements (PHP warnings)

= 4.1.2 2014-07-29 =
* DB bug fix

= 4.1.1 2014-07-29 =
* Significant performance improvements
* Live chat window will now only show in one window (if user has multiple tabs open on your site)
* You can now see the browser of the live chat user
* Improved the UI of the backend
* Bug fixes

= 4.1.0 2014-07-20 =
* New feature: You can now show the live chat box on the left or right
* Vulnerability fix (JS injections). Thank you Patrik @ www.it-securityguard.com
* Fixed 403 bug when saving settings
* Fixed Ajax Time out error (Lowered From 90 to 28)
* Fixed IE8 bug
* Added option to auto pop up live chat window
* Added Italian language files. Thanks to Davide

= 4.0.2 =
* Table creation bug fix
* Small bug fix (warning message)

= 4.0.1 =
* Fixed a bug (missing function)

= 4.0.0 = 
* Overhauled the live chat Ajax calls to be less resource intensive
* Fixed many localization strings
* Added Feedback Page
* Added Welcome Page
* Fixed Visitor pending forever - Now Shown a message that admin is away
* Fixed many small bugs
* Added Multiple Live Chat Agents support (Add On)